
Sandbox is a multipurpose HTML5 template with various layouts which will be a great solution for your business.

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Moonshine St. 14/05
Light City, London
00 (123) 456 78 90

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[servicesicon animation=”bounceIn” align=”left” icon=”fa-shield fa-4x” color=”#082d54″ title=”Virtual Hosting”]
Dedicated hosting gives you total control of your server environment – built for web developers.

[progressbar progress=”99″ color=”#777465″ title=”Secured” bgcolor=”#e4e7ea”]
[progressbar progress=”75″ color=”#aaab50″ title=”Reseller Managed” bgcolor=”#e4e7ea”]
[servicesicon animation=”bounceIn” align=”left” icon=”fa-hdd-o fa-4x” color=”#454e58″ title=”Reseller Hosting”]Reseller hosting plans provide you with all the tools and support needed to become your own web host.

[progressbar progress=”65″ color=”#133b67″ title=”Easy” bgcolor=”#e4e7ea”]
[progressbar progress=”85″ color=”#478edd” title=”Moderate” bgcolor=”#e4e7ea”]
[servicesicon animation=”bounceIn” align=”left” icon=”fa-cloud-download fa-4x” color=”#97BF07″ title=”Cloud Hosting”]
Cloud Servers are Virtual Machines running Linux or Windows® OS.

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[progressbar progress=”89″ color=”#289984″ title=”Moderate” bgcolor=”#e4e7ea”]

[section padding=”60px 0px 60px 0px”]
[fancyheading align=”textcenter” heading=”h1″ description=”Providing Services to top entrepreneurs since 10+ years and continuing.”]WordPress Managed Hosting[/fancyheading]
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  • Ultra Responsive Theme which makes fit on every device.
  • Amazing slider you to grab visitors.
  • Advanced theme options panel to customize your website.
  • Supports fluid and boxed layouts via options panel.
  • Includes tons of useful built-in Shortcodes for customization
  • Fastest Support because we care about your site as much as you.
  • Theme includes 8 Perfectly designed Built-in Custom Widgets.

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[section bgcolor=”#232323″ textcolor=”#ffffff” padding=”60px 0px 60px 0px” image=””]
[custom_animation animation=”fadeInUp”]
[fancyheading heading=”xlarge” align=”textcenter” description=”Cloud Sites is a versatile platform for hosting your websites and blogs.”]Reliable & Scalable Hosting[/fancyheading]
[demo_space height=”20px”]
[custom_animation animation=”bounceIn”]
[icons style=”circle” size=”large” color=”#34495e” bgcolor=”#ffffff” bordercolor=”#ffffff” icon=”icon-cog” animation=”bounceIn”]

Supports WordPress

Maecenas placerat justo et purus elementum, ut viverra eleifend. Donec fermentum nulla risus.

[icons style=”circle” size=”large” color=”#34495e” bgcolor=”#ffffff” bordercolor=”#ffffff” icon=”icon-desktop” animation=”bounceIn”]

Maximize up-time

Maecenas placerat justo et purus elementum, ut viverra eleifend. Donec fermentum nulla risus.

[icons style=”circle” size=”large” color=”#34495e” bgcolor=”#ffffff” bordercolor=”#ffffff” icon=”icon-tasks” animation=”bounceIn”]

Scalable Traffic

Maecenas placerat justo et purus elementum, ut viverra eleifend. Donec fermentum nulla risus.

[icons style=”circle” size=”large” color=”#34495e” bgcolor=”#ffffff” bordercolor=”#ffffff” icon=”icon-thumbs-up” animation=”bounceIn”]

27/7 Quality Support

Maecenas placerat justo et purus elementum, ut viverra eleifend. Donec fermentum nulla risus.

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