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Hostme V2 is the Ultimate hosting & business wordpress theme!
This theme is loaded with premium slider, awesome features, unlimited colors, advanced theme options & much more!
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[servicesicon animation=”bounceIn” align=”left” icon=”icon-hdd” color=”#ffffff” bgcolor=”#2c3e50″ title=”Dedicated VPS Hosting”]
Dedicated hosting gives you total control of your server environment – built for web developers. Which is why servers are provided with SSH only.
[servicesicon animation=”bounceIn” align=”left” icon=”icon-download-alt ” color=”#ffffff” bgcolor=”#2c3e50″ title=”Reseller Web Hosting”]Reseller hosting plans provide you with all the tools and support needed to become your own web host. It’s cheap and easy to get started.
[servicesicon animation=”bounceIn” align=”left” icon=”icon-tasks” color=”#ffffff” bgcolor=”#2c3e50″ title=”Cloud Server Hosting”]
Cloud Servers are the smallest unit of compute power you can buy on our cloud infrastructure. Cloud Servers are virtual machines running Linux or Windows® operating systems.
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[fancyheading heading=”h2″]Amazing Theme To Your Build Awesome Websites[/fancyheading]
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- Fully responsive theme which looks good on any size.
- Amazing slider you to grab visitors.
- Advanced theme options panel to easily customize your website.
- Supports fluid & boxed layouts through the theme options panel.
- Includes tons of useful built-in shortcodes.
- We offer free support because we care our product buyers.
- Theme includes 8 Perfectly designed Built-in Custom Widgets.
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Reliable, Scalable, Supported Website Hosting
Cloud Sites is a versatile platform for hosting your websites and blogs.
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Supports WordPress
Maecenas placerat justo et purus elementum, ut viverra eleifend. Donec fermentum nulla risus.
[icons style=”circle” size=”large” color=”#ffffff” bgcolor=”#34495e” bordercolor=”#34495e” icon=”icon-desktop” animation=”bounceIn”]
Maximize up-time
Maecenas placerat justo et purus elementum, ut viverra eleifend. Donec fermentum nulla risus.
[icons style=”circle” size=”large” color=”#ffffff” bgcolor=”#34495e” bordercolor=”#34495e” icon=”icon-tasks” animation=”bounceIn”]
Scalable Traffic
Maecenas placerat justo et purus elementum, ut viverra eleifend. Donec fermentum nulla risus.
[icons style=”circle” size=”large” color=”#ffffff” bgcolor=”#34495e” bordercolor=”#34495e” icon=”icon-thumbs-up” animation=”bounceIn”]
27/7 Quality Support
Maecenas placerat justo et purus elementum, ut viverra eleifend. Donec fermentum nulla risus.